Member FAQs

Q: Why buy a membership from you when I have a bunch of streaming services already?

A: 1. It is far cheaper for lifetime access to my media library, versus being tied to a contract with other streaming services. (Netflix for 1 year = ~$144 vs. Becoming a lifetime member of my website = ~$50)

2. I have stuff that is no longer available on streaming services such as Netflix or HBO Max. Example: Twin Peaks is no longer available on Netflix in the U.S., but I still have it available on my website.

3. Ad-free!

4. Great big show playlists so that you can binge-watch till you are unconscious.


Q: I payed $40 for a membership, will there be any other payments?

A: Nope! You have a membership for life!


Q: I payed $5 for a membership, will there be any other payments?

A: Yes. There will be 10 monthly payments of $5. For a total of $50 after 10 months.


Q: What can I download?

A: All films should be available for download. Some shows are available, but not all shows because it takes a while to create a download link for every episode of a series. And I'm lazy :P


Q: Do any nasty viruses come with these downloads?!

A: No! I download/rip all my media straight from the sources I own! I promise you no nasty bugs.


Q: What can I stream?

A: Everything that is available!


Q: How do I download media?

A: If you see the 'ian' logo in the bottom right corner of the video player, click on that, and it should bring you to a download page.




Q: Why are the subtitles 'bad'?

A: I know, some subtitles are spot on and some are off in timing. I have to download subtitle files from the web and it's sort of luck of the draw if I get the perfect subtitle file. I apologize. I try my best.


Q: How are you able to keep this stuff up online?

A: I make all my media invisible to search engines. You have to sign in on my website and be a member in order to view anything I upload.


Q: Is this legal?